Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Journey to the Diagnosis

I have always been incredibly healthy. The few times I did get sick was when I was in college, and both times I had the flu.

Flash forward through college, to 2007. I was 24, and not much had changed. I still worked out every day, I had a few beers here and there, just a typical 20-something, but I was probably the healthiest I'd been since high school!
So in July when my lips 'broke out', for lack of a better word, I just assumed I was having an allergic reaction to a new lip product. I took a few Benadryl and Advil (for the pain) , drank a lot of smoothies (because I couldn't eat normal food) and spent some time convincing my boyfriend that no, my lips weren't melting off (although that is exactly what it looked like).
Within about two weeks my lips cleared up and I went about my normal business...

Until right before Thanksgiving of the same year, 2007.